The film Baawal Movie starring Varun Dhawan and Jhanvi Kapoor is all set to release in cinema halls. It will be interesting to see whether together they can bring the audience to the cinema hall or not? Bawal film is produced by Sajid Nadiawla whose last film Bachchan Pandey flopped badly at the box office. For more information, read the full list of blogs below.
director | Nitesh Tiwari |
producer | Sajid Nadiadwala |
actor | Varun Dhawan/Jhanvi Kapoor |
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release date | 7 April 2023 |
Country | India |
Language | Hindi |
What is the star cast of Bawal Movie?
Varun Dhawan/Jhanvi Kapoor
When will Bawal movie release?
7 April 2023