Adil Hussain told during an interview that he had worked in the 2019 film Kabir Singh, which was a remake of the South film. Out of all the films he has done, he regrets being a part of Kabir Singh. This movie, made in both languages, was directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga.
Ur 'belief' in 30 art films didn't get as much fame to u as ur 'regret' of 1 BLOCKBUSTER film did ЁЯСП
— Sandeep Reddy Vanga (@imvangasandeep) April 18, 2024
I regret casting u,knwing that ur greed is bigger than ur passion. NOW I'll save U from the shame by replacing Ur face with AI helpЁЯСН Now smile properly ЁЯЩВ
Sandeep Reddy Vanga reacted strongly and said that all the movies you have done in your life could not bring you as much fame as this one movie did. I regret that I cast you even knowing that your greed is bigger than your passion.
Sandeep reddy vanga, Sandeep reddy vanga movies, Sandeep reddy, Sandeep reddy vanga news